Executive  Leadership

Transformational Executive & Leadership Coaching

Coaching with presence and compassion to help you understand complexity and discover the choices that can transform your leadership, your organization, and your life.

Coaching with presence and compassion to help you understand complexity and discover the choices that can transform your leadership, your organization, and your life.

Is Evolution Coaching for me?

Being a better leader means being more present, more compassionate, and having less ego. It is recognizing that you are part of a layered, open, and dynamic system and that becoming aware of that system will lead to more significant growth.

There is an inner capacity for leadership within each of us that can shine a light to guide others through difficult times. The habits, insecurities, and biases that we each carry limit and obscure that light. They prevent us from seeing the interconnected system we are part of; they make us reactive: limiting our empathy, compassion, and our choices.

Evolution is an inner journey of growth and change that allows us to navigate greater complexity and uncertainty.  It is a process that enables us to look objectively at our behaviors, thought patterns, and mental models to give us more choice in who and how we are.

Evolution Coaching can help you accelerate this evolutionary process by seeing the system you are part of and the inner systems that impact your behavior. It will help you transcend the habits, patterns, and mental models that have gotten you to where you so that you can reach your potential.

“Becoming a leader is synonymous with becoming yourself.It is precisely that simple, and it's also that difficult.” — Warren Bennis

Keith Corbin

Keith is an Engineering and Product leader with over 20 years of experience in developing products across multiple industries. His focus on strategic partnerships has led him to partner with the biggest tech companies globally.

ICF ACC certification credentialTwo life-changing events, helped him discover that his true passion and strength is in helping leaders develop.

As an ICF Certified professional leadership coach, he combines this experience with a focus on emotional courage, presence, somatic practices, and adult development to help leaders evolve.


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