
Stuck In The Middle Year End
With Christmas next week and the New Year following, I wanted to send a slightly different newsletter to close out the year. Overview of the year This was the first year of the Stuck In The Middle newsletter. I kicked off in August and, since then, have published 16 newsletters with over 32,000 words. That is over 2 hours of

Stuck in the Middle #16 Vision as Utopia
Leaders need vision! I am sure you have heard this said over and over again. In leadership positions, we often discuss vision as a critical attribute a leader must have. A leader needs to create a vision to inspire the team and see where they are headed. But what if the value of vision isn’t to show exactly where we

Stuck In The Middle #15 Private Government
“Imagine a government that assigns almost everyone a superior whom they must obey. Although superiors give most inferiors a routine to follow, there is no rule of law. Orders may be arbitrary and can change at any time, without prior notice or opportunity to appeal. Superiors are unaccountable to those they order around. They are neither elected nor removable by

Stuck in the Middle #14 Freedom Part 2 – Choice
Last week, we looked at three different types of freedom and how they show up at work. This week, we are looking at the idea of freedom as a choice and what that really means. Choice and indifference What is often meant by freedom in organizations is some degree of choice. Which of these projects would you like to take

Stuck in the Middle #13 Freedom (Part 1)
A constant theme in leadership literature is that employees should have a degree of autonomy, which is directly tied to engagement. While there is much I could challenge about the notion of engagement, I want to focus on what it means to have autonomy. Or better still, what it would mean to truly be free at work. This week, we