
Sarah was like a lot of other high-performing leaders. She had a lot of balls in the air and she struggled to not drop any. Like a lot of high-performers, she tied her sense of accomplishment and value to…
There is a saying that in organizations, shit flows downstream. This is the inevitable truth that there are unexpected, disruptive, and unpleasant things to deal with in an organization. How a leader handles these cases can determine whether they…
We are two months into the new year, and you know what that means. 80% of us have given up on our New Year’s resolutions. January started with a strong desire to make changes and that this year would…
When an employee asks us to give advice, it feels good. We jump to answer them and share our knowledge almost without thinking about it. People will often at least pretend that what we said is useful, and that…
Sitting on the floor at Esalen in coaching training, I shared how confidence in my writing had dropped and imposter syndrome set in. I had been writing and publishing blog posts every month or so. It took some confidence…

formerly Keith Corbin Coaching

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