Are you really Values-Driven?

Hands offering something of value.

I have never seen a company list incremental revenue or increased margins as their company values. Most modern companies no longer list creating shareholder value or dominating a market as their mission. And yet, companies often make critical decisions based on revenue, margins, and market share. Today it seems like every company says that they are […]

Looking Within

Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash

I have been struggling to figure out what to do during this crisis. In many ways, I am fortunate. I have my health, my job, a safe and secure living situation, and companionship. The world is undoubtedly troubled

Stop Blaming the Ghost

Photo by Erik Müller on Unsplash

Making tough decisions with compassion requires taking full responsibility for the choices you make and their consequences. Recently, when facing a tough situation, I found myself not living up to my expectations, and I was doing something that I have come to think of as blaming the ghost. Blaming the ghost is conjuring up an […]

Compassionate Leadership in Crisis

Photo by J W on Unsplash

We are in a difficult time right now. People are suffering and dying from the rapid spread of the coronavirus pandemic, people are quarantining in their homes to help prevent the spread of the virus, and businesses are suffering as a result. Leaders within organizations have to make tough choices to help their companies survive. […]

What kind of change is it?

Photo by My Life Journal on Unsplash

As we wake up in a new year and new decade, we may have resolutions that we created out of excitement that now seem daunting. There is a lot of great advice on how to develop and maintain habits: start small, focus on the environment, attach to the habits you have, and create reminders and […]